What do you think wives, or women in general might gain in their relationships with gay men?
What do you think wives, or women in general might gain in their relationships with gay men?
Better wallpaper! No seriously... A genuine friend I would think is the main gain, certainly not a demanding sex life which I'm sure some women would appreciate. Probably more understanding of family issues, especially in relation to the children. I think it is possible gay men are more in touch with their feelings. I don't want to say that as a blanket comment though as a lot of gay men could not give a monkey's about anything other than themselves. It has to be the sort of guy that wants children.
from: Dunne, G.A. (2001): The Different Dimensions of Gay Fatherhood: Exploring the Myths (Discussion Papers No. 1). London: London School of Economics and Political Science.
Better wallpaper! No seriously... A genuine friend I would think is the main gain, certainly not a demanding sex life which I'm sure some women would appreciate. Probably more understanding of family issues, especially in relation to the children. I think it is possible gay men are more in touch with their feelings. I don't want to say that as a blanket comment though as a lot of gay men could not give a monkey's about anything other than themselves. It has to be the sort of guy that wants children.
from: Dunne, G.A. (2001): The Different Dimensions of Gay Fatherhood: Exploring the Myths (Discussion Papers No. 1). London: London School of Economics and Political Science.
roisindubh - 22. Jan, 11:49